Thursday, April 10, 2014

I slowly said Happy Birthday Anjali

“Hey Sheetal,” I smiled nervously.

She didn’t reply. She just kept looking at us as if we were aliens from another planet that she didn’t want to make any sort of acquaintance with.

I looked at Virat. “Say something,” I mouthed to him.

“What?” he mouthed back.

“Anything,” I pleaded.

“Hey sweetheart,” Virat started, “ummm…you are looking very pretty tonight in that…night gown of yours.”

The girls around us laughed. I felt like slapping my forehead but then my hands were held by the girls in a tight cuff. Virat just smiled nervously. Sheetal’s eyebrows created a bigger arc than usual. It meant trouble.

Everyone waited for Sheetal to say something. It seemed as if our fate would be decided by Sheetal and Sheetal wasn’t the kind of girl you wanted to play around with. Or hope for any favours. Finally, after what seemed like eons, Sheetal asked, “What’s the date today?”

“9th,” one of the girls answered.

“10 actually,” someone else corrected her.

Sheetal’s lips curled into a smile as she looked at me. She had now realized what we were here for. She kept smiling at me vivaciously but didn’t say anything. I smiled back but inside I was about to explode. ‘Just say something Sheetal,’ I thought to myself. ‘Anything.’

“Smita,” she called out to one of the girls.

The girl named Smita who apparently had a role to play in all this now went up to Sheetal and said, “yes maam.” That confirmed that she was a junior. So Sheetal probably had some task for her. She whispered something into the girl’s ear while looking at me once in a while and giving that evil smile of hers. I just prayed to God she wasn’t telling Smita to go call the matron. Smita listened carefully to whatever instructions Sheetal was whispering in her ears and then without saying a word started climbing the stairs. We watched her walk up the stairs and started praying again. Meanwhile Sheetal again continued to stare at us without saying a word. I continued to smile at her nervously.

Five minutes later Smita came back. And a few steps behind her, coming down the stairs, her hair open, her eyes looking down, her fingers roving her open hair near the sides, was the girl for whom I had done all this, the girl so beautiful that I would have gone to the ends of the world just to make her happy, the girl with whom my world started and with whom I hoped my world would end. As Anjali came down the stairs, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Even in a simple night dress, her beauty stood out like a red rose among all the other flowers. As she came down and looked at the group of people gathered, her eyes met mine and an expression of surprise came on her face. Yet I could see that she wasn’t really surprised, as if she expected me here, as if my not coming would have been more of a surprise than my presence here.

“Anjali,” Sheetal called out. “Mind joining me here?”

“No maam,” she said politely joining Sheetal.

“Right,” Sheetal said. “So I think I have a vague diea why Rahul is here,” she said looking at me before turning to Virat, “but mind explaining to me what you are doing here Virat?”

Virat tried to free himself from the grasps of the girls holding him. The girls didn’t let go and instead looked at Sheetal seeking her approval. ‘Wow!’ I thought to myself. ‘Sheetal almost seemed to be the ring leader here. Not bad for a girl who is just 5’3.” Sheetal looked at Virat for a while before turning to the other girls and nodded her head in approval. The girls freed Virat. Virat took a look at me and then walked towards Sheetal and hugged her. “Happy Birthday Sheetal! Many many happy returns of the day sweetheart,” he said hugging her tightly.

Virat’s antics met with laughter all around. As soon as Virat wished Sheetal happy birthday, Anjali’s head turned towards the floor in shyness as she had understood why I had come here. She slowly then looked up to me, our eyes met and I smiled at her. She looked down on the floor again, her cheeks turning pink out of blushing.

Sheetal pushed Virat away and said, “Virat-it’s not my birthday.”

“It’s not?” Virat said as if he actually was surprised.

“It isn’t,” Sheetal repeated.

Virat then turned towards me. “It’s not her birthday?” he said looking offended. “You lied to me Rahul? You lied to me that it was my girlfriend’s birthday? You scoundrel, you thug,” he continued now almost crying, “you knew it didn’t you? You knew I wasn’t good at remembering dates and you took advantage of my weakness to fulfill your own cardinal desires you, you….you man.”

Laughter all around again. Sheetal just shaked her head in disapproval as if she didn’t know why on earth was she dating Virat. As the laughter died down, Sheetal turned towards me, “And you Rahul? Mind telling us the reason as to what you are doing here?” she asked smiling although she knew exactly why I was here.

The girls freed me immediately. But I didn’t move. I didn’t need to go hug her or shake her hand to wish her happy birthday. I just stood where I was and looking at Anjali, I slowly said, “Happy Birthday Anjali.”

This time the girls knew it wasn’t an act. They knew that it indeed was Anjali’s birthday and that my wishing her was genuine. The girls applauded and cheered. “Wooooooooooooooooo,” the girls cheered. Anjali immediately blushed again amongst all the cheering and then slowly looked at me and said, “Thanks.” More cheering. This time even more louder. “Wooooooooo,” they went again, all the girls clapping. Anjali blushed all over again. I couldn’t help but smile and seeing her blush with all the cheering going around I blushed a little too. Sheetal slowly came up to me and said, “God…your cheeks are actually turning pink. Thought I would never see this day.” I blushed again.

“So that’s it?” Sheetal said as the cheering died down.

“Ummm…nope,” I said.

“Got her a cake too now, haven’t you?” Sheetal said.

“Yeah, but I am not sure what condition it is in,” I said looking around trying to see where the cake was.

One of the girls came who was standing at the back of the corridor came to the front with the box in which the cake was and handed it over to me. The box was as it was-untouched, unharmed. As the girl handed the cake over to me the girls cheered again. “Don’t turn pink now,” Sheetal whispered to me.

“Ummm…could I get a chair please?” I asked.
Smita volunteered again. She went to her room and brought out a chair, putting it at the centre of the corridor.

I told her thanks and walked over to the chair putting down the cake on it. Everyone gathered around me. I opened the box and everyone tried to take a look at the cake I had brought. It was a black forest cake with a simple “Happy Birthday Anjali” written on it. But even for that the girls started cheering. Anjali was still standing at the far side not daring to move from her position knowing that she was the centre of attraction right now. I walked over to her and held out my hand. She observed the hands for a few seconds and then slowly put her hand into mine. The girls cheered again. Anjali blushed. I led her to the chair, the girls moving aside to let us pass by. One of the girls brought a knife, candles and a match stick and handed it over to me.
I handed the knife to Anjali and then placed the candles on the cake before lighting them. I then slowly moved away from the cake letting Anjali come to the centre and said, “Make a wish.” She smiled.

Everyone kept quite as Anjali made a wish and then blew the candles. As the last of the candles flickered before extinguishing completely, everyone started clapping and singing happy birthday Anjali. Virat kept staring at Sheetal and sang ‘Happy Birthday Sheetal, which brought a few more laughs from the girls. Sheetal stared at Virat angrily but he just grinned at her.

Anjali cut the cake and sliced out a piece but almost out of hesitation she initially looked around to see which girl she could give the first piece of the cake to. She didn’t want to give me the first piece and hence listen to more ‘wooooos’ from the girls. But as soon as she started looking around, all the girls stepped back leaving only me and Anjali around the chair. Anjali turned pink all over again. I almot wished I could run away from here. Anjali slowly walked over to me, the piece of cake in her hand and brought it to my mouth. I took a bit before taking the piece of caking from her and giving her a bite. She hesitated to eat the cake with everyone watching but then slowly took a bit as well. The girls brought the roof down with their cheers this time. They were clapping, shouting and cheering as if India had won the World Cup.

Anjali’s cheeks continued to turn pink every moment. Virat and Sheetal were just smiling at me which made me also turn a shade of red. Damn-why on earth was I blushing? Come on Rahul, it’s ok. You just brought a cake for a girl on her birthday. No big deal. The voice from the inside came back, ‘yeah and jumped into the girl’s hostel to wish her.’

“So are we done here?” Sheetal asked me.

“Ummm…nope-not yet,” I answered slowly.

Virat smiled. He knew I wasn’t done yet. “What?” Sheetal asked. “What are you planning to do now?”

I looked at Anjali before answering, “Ummm…planning to take her out to celebrate her birthday,” I said. “Alone,” I added a few minutes later.

Cheers and more cheers. God-I had no idea girls could be so noisy. Anjali kept looking at the ground. I walked over to her and looking at her said, “Would you?”

Silence. No one said a word. It was like the survival of the world depended on her answer. She waited for a while before looking into my eyes and answering, “yes.” The entire floor started vibrating as the girls cheered. They hugged each other as if this was some movie and the heroine had just agreed to the hero’s proposal. They came and hugged me, strangers who I didn’t even know but they some how were celebrating ant reveling in my joy. ‘There’s no greater happiness in this world than love,’ I thought to myself.

“I guess I’ll go change,” Anjali said after a while when the commotion had slowed down a bit.

“Wait,” I said as Anjali turned to go back to her room. “I have something else for you,” I said as she looked back at me.

“Now what?” Sheetal commented.

“Just watch,” Virat said.

I turned to Sheetal. “Ummm….there’s a friend of mine standing outside the hostel. His name is Aarav. He’s waiting with a package. Can you send someone to get it?”

“Wow!” Sheetal remarked. “Aren’t you full of surprises today?”

“Hehe,” I smiled nervously. “So can someone go get it?”

“I will go,” one of the girls popped up.

“Me too,” said another.

‘Wow! I thought to myself. ‘Aren’t the girl full of surprises today?’

The two girls went off into the lift to receive the package that Aarav was holding outside the block right now. “What’s in the package?” Sheetal asked me.

“You’ll see,” I said winking at Sheetal. Anjali just kept looking on the floor.

“What is it?” Sheetal asked Virat.

“Don’t know,” Virat said.

“You don’t know?” Sheetal asked. “You better tell the truth Virat Mathur or I swear you are not getting out of this hostel until the matron comes.”

“I really don’t know,” Virat said holding up his hands in the air. “He wouldn’t tell me or show it to me. He knew you would get it out of me so well-he didn’t even show me.”

Sheetal glared at me. I grinned at her. “Fine Rahul, fine,” she said. “This is how you pay me back for all the years of friendship.”

“You can tell her you know,” Anjali said trying to avoid looking at me.

“I know I can,” I said. “But I want it to be a surprise for them as much as I want it for you.”

Anjali didn’t say anything. I just kept gazing at her and she looked down trying to avoid my eyes once more. “Ahhhh damn,” Sheetal said looking at us. “You just convinced me that I don’t need to know what the gift is,” she told me.

“Thanks Sheetal,” I said.

“Ah leave it. Waise you are welcome,” she said. And then she came towards me and hugging me, she said, “come here give me a hug. My school mate is finally growing up and actually behaving like a college student.”

“Thanks…I guess,” I replied as she embraced me.

“Damn you Rahul Agarwal,” Virat said out of nowhere.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“You seem to get more hugs and pecks from my girlfriend than even I do,” he said angrily.

Everyone laughed. We then silently waited for the girls to get the package. There were a few whispers going around as to what the package could be. Some of them even guessed it right but I didn’t confirm any of it. Let a surprise be a surprise.

5 minutes later the girls were bag with the package. They handed it over to me. “What’s in it?” they asked me.
“Wait and watch,” I replied.

I handed the package over to Anjali who took it very slowly and after much deliberation. “So?” Sheetal asked.

“So what?” I said.

“So open it,” Sheetal said looking at Anjali.

“No,” I said firmly.

“Why?” Sheetal said looking angry now.

“You can see it later,” I told her. I turned to Anjali. “Open it in your room. Now go and change. I’ll be waiting,” I said smiling at her.

As I said ‘I’ll be waiting’ the girls again went “wooooooohhhh.” Anjali again turned into beet shoots of red. She walked up the staircase slowly and as she walked back I couldn’t help but just keep looking at her.

“Alright Romeo,” Sheetal said. “Let her change. You can look at her then.”

“Sshhhh,” I told Sheetal.

“I just don’t get it though,” Sheetal said. “You are taking a girl out on a date at 12:30 in the night. What on earth have you planned?”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” I said.

“Come on Rahul, you can tell me the plan at least right? It’s not as if you are taking me with you?”

“I know,” I said. “But I just don’t want to spoil the plan by telling you, that’s all.”

“You know the plan Virat?” she said turning towards Virat.

“Some of it, yeah. Not all of it. He has planned it with a lot of secrecy with each person playing their part right at the appropriate moment,” Virat answered.

“What’s your role?” Sheetal asked.

“Ummm…”Virat began. I immediately glared at him telling him to stop. “I’ll tell you as soon as he leaves with Anjali,” Virat answered looking at me.

“Arrgggh,” Sheetal screamed. “You are taking his side instead of your girlfriend’s?”

“Well you do hug him a lot more than me you know,” he replied. I laughed.

“You see what he’s doing here, don’t you?” Sheetal said looking at me.

“What?” Virat asked.

“He’s playing us against each other,” she said as if I was some sort of conspirator against them.

“What?” Virat said astounded.

“Alright guys, calm it,” I said trying to mediate. “There’s no particular reason for not telling you Sheetal. I just don’t want to spoil it by telling anyone, ok? I just believe that if I tell anyone then it’ll take away something from what I have planned.”

“Aaaarrggh,” Sheetal screamed again. “I hate you Rahul Agarwal. You just convinced me once more that I don’t need to know what you have planned.”

“Thank you,” I said.
20 minutes later and Anjali still hadn’t changed. “What’s taking her so long?” I asked a bit frustrated.

“Relax,” Sheetal said. “She’s a girl you know. She needs time to change.”

“Yeah,” Virat commented. “Ask me. I know all about it.”

Sheetal punched Virat in the stomach. “Shut up,” she said as Virat coiled up in pain.

Ten minutes later one of the girls appeared at the top of the stairs. Looking at me she said, “Ok I just have to do this. It wouldn’t do justice to what we are about to see if I don’t do this.”

“Do what?” Sheetal asked. I had a vague idea about what she was about to do.

“Ladies and two gentlemen,” she announced, “presenting to you…” I held my breath as she announced the last words, “Anjali joshi.”

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